Earth Angel Oils
20146 Plantation Creek Drive
Porter, TX 77365
(281) 354-0418
(office hrs. 10-6 CST)
E-mail Us
Earth Angel Oils is an old-fashioned Oil Cottage, founded by Helen Stembridge, a school psychologist, more than twenty years ago. Our present mission is to bring awareness of the oils into the mainstream and to distribute the oils as widely as possible during these challenging times.
Helen was seeking natural treatments and improved her health by anointing herself with the individual oils she had chosen for that purpose. Five years later, she began working with essential oils full time and began teaching others how to blend the oils. From 1998 through 2000, Helen taught weekly blending classes at June Rey's herb shop in Conroe, Texas.
The blending classes were reminiscent of the Garden Club days of her childhood, and the Earth Angel blends came into being in that spirit — flowing freely together, like the spring bouquets that her mother used to create.
During that time, Helen and her students (most of whom are natural health professionals — herbalists, massage and colon therapists, reflexologists, and energy healers) created many of our present collection of 275+ pure essential oil blends. They are offered here in various sizes and in our unique cabinets and gift packs, so that you can make use of them for yourself and for others you care about.
In 2002, Helen was invited to a spiritual conference in Colorado. She wanted to create a special spiritual oils cabinet for the event, so she asked her energy teacher, Star Johnsen-Moser, to help choose the blends to include in the cabinet. When Star held each of the bottles, she described the energetic actions of the oils in the body. This was so significant that Helen asked Star to provide this information for all of the Earth Angel blends and, later, for the individual oils as well.
This new energetic information led to the creation of the Spiritual Series of aromatherapy cabinets (the Energetic Healing, Spiritual Awakening & Sports Massage, Dolphin, Meridian, and Cellular Emotional Memory Release cabinets). It also added greatly to our understanding of what each oil or blend did at the energetic level. We hope that you will find the energetic information interesting and valuable, and that additional research may be stimulated from these beginnings.
Over the years, many volunteers and co-creators have contributed to the success of the Earth Angel Oils project. Some of them are pictured below:
Registered nurse, hospital administrator, massage therapist, infant massage and aromatherapy teacher; created many blends.
A spiritual healer, teacher, and energy facilitator for over 40 years; did the energy readings for the Earth Angel Oils
Spiritual mama to all of us; taught Helen to use a pendulum
Earth Angel Oils volunteer, massage therapist; uses & sells the oils to her clients
Created Rain Spirit series of blends; in charge of Earth Angel Oils production
Hot shot for Earth Angel Oils, fixes problems fast!
Musician who commissioned and co-created the thirteen Mysterium blends
Love to blend and pour the oils at Earth Angel Oils
Earth Angel Oils volunteer, healer; blends and shares oils with others
Assisted at many blending classes, minister; created Pituitary & Aphrodisiac blend
Cherokee elder, silversmith; created Six Bears Running blend
Animal healer and barrel racer; created many blends, including Anti-Stress, Pain & Panic Relief
Massage therapist, energy healer, jewelry maker; created Aaaah, Mmm! and Focus to Learn blends
Registered nurse, EAO voluntee;, created Betty's Birthday Blends, EZ Breathing, Visions & Psychic Powers, and Wound Heal blends
Herb shop owner, hosted weekly blending classes for two years; sells Earth Angel Oils, created Lung Heal blend
Massage and colon therapist, herbalist; created Blue Healer and Nighttime Breathing blends
Herbalist, event organizer, large animal therapist; uses oils for her family & her daughter's horses
Did marketing and web site content creation
Kuan Yin magnified healer; created Kuan Yin blend
Reiki and Mayan teacher; created Beginning of Fire blend
Medical and psychic intuitive, created 4 Healing Chrysms (anointing oils)
Herb shop owner; sold Earth Angel Oils and hosted classes
Herbalist, aromatherapy teacher, client, and close friend
Energy healer and Earth Angel Oils volunteer
Stone medicine woman; created Three Wise Women blend
Herbalist, travel agent; loves, uses and sells Earth Angel Oils