Allspice Berry Pimento dioica (W. Indies):
Therapeutic Properties: Analgesic, anesthetic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antiseptic, antiparasites, antiviral, aphrodisiac, carminative, muscle relaxant, general stimulant & tonic..
Uses: Allspice can be helpful for the digestive system, for cramps, flatulence, indigestion and nausea. It can be inhaled for the respiratory system and help in cases of depression, nervous exhaustion, tension, neuralgia and stress. It can also be used in tiny amounts diluted for massage and manual applications to ease stiffness, chills, and coughs.
phenolic compounds: eugenol and isoeugenol and
sesquiterpene hydrocarbon: β-caryophyllene.
Energetic Benefits: Allspice sweeps through the whole spinal column & Central Nervous System, releasing energy blockages from the second chakra to the throat and thymus. Please click on the Energetic Effects tab for more information about the energy of this oil.
Precautions: Should only be used in small dilutions, as it irritates the mucous membranes and can cause dermal irritation. Do not use on children or infants.
1/4 oz: $9.95; 1/2 oz. $17.50; 1 oz. $31.50; 50 ml: $54.50.
Energetic Actions — Speaking Our Truth: Allspice's energy rejuvenates and stimulates the desire for action on the physical plane. It awakens the desire to search for and embody our Soul's true essence — releases energy blockages & distortions held in the root and sacral chakras (unfulfilled childhood emotional needs), connects with the thymus (seat of the soul), allowing the throat chakra to open up and speak the truth. Good to assist individuals with shyness, stammering, stuttering. Use 1-10 drops in 2 ounces of carrier oil, and only 1 to 5 drops in soaking bath. — Deborah Eidson, Vibrational Healing.
Energetic Observations: This one has a very fast vibration in the thymus, & is very relaxing along the w hole spinal column and Central Nervous System, moving through the core & the meridians, pulling the energy in for regeneration, and then is energizing, pushing the energy out. — Star Johnsen-Moser, Intuitive Energetic Healer.
Energy Index: Aphrodisiac/2nd Chakra to Throat for Creative Expression Etheric Core, Spine Strengthening in Core: Immune Turquoise Chakra.
Eidson D. Vibrational Healing. 2000, Frog Ltd, Berkeley CA.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.