Heal the Soul's Immunity PREMIUM Physical & Emotional Support (Ground, Release, Grief Recovery, Uplifting):
Sweet, very popular blend to comfort the heartsick! Grounding, strengthening, immune-building, reported to ease grief. Works on all levels.
Ingredients: Contains Ylang Ylang, Melissa, Frankincense, Rosemary, Myrtle, Cypress , Basil, Celery, Cassia, and Thyme.
Uses: Apply on neck & pressure points for daily wear; inhale or diffuse for meditation and uplift; dilute for inspirational massage.
Energetic Benefits: The Heal the Soul's Immunity essential oil blend provides physical and emotional support, opens up the chest, gives energy to the lungs.
(Blend created by Yvonne Washington, RMT and Medical Intuitive, with the guiding influence of Jesus)
1/8 oz: $10; 1/4 oz: $18; 1/2 oz: $30; 1 oz: $48
Physical Index: Ancient Holy Oils, Alzheimer's Daily Wear, Anxiety Relief, Antibacterial, Cellular Release, Cleansing, Energizing, Immune Building, Inspirational Massage & Meditation, Nerve Strengthening, Nourish Cells, Reality (Grounding), Relaxing, Respiratory, Spiritual, Strengthening, Uplifting, Women's Daily Wear.
Energetically, the blend provides physical and emotional support, opens up the chest, gives energy to the lungs. - Star Johnsen-Moser, Intuitive Energetic Healer.
Energy Index: Chakra 4: Etheric Heart Opening; Chakra 5: Chest, Lungs, Sinus, Thyroid; Cellular Energizing.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.
This blend is also available as a 2 oz. spray and as a spray/blend combo.