Helichrysum angustifolium aka Helichrysum italicum, Organic (aka Immortelle, aka Everlasting) (Albania):
Enhances Creativity & Internal Awareness; Wound-Healing “Diketones” Support Cell Regeneration
Strongly Regenerative: Regenerates liver (stimulates new Liver Cells), heals scar tissue. Regenerative Diketones are closely related to Ketones (Angelica, Eucalyptus, Hyssop, Rosemary Verbenone & Sage). Helichrysm is very expensive, but just 2 or 3 drops are needed in a healing formula.
Immune-Building, Lymph Drainage, Detox: Strengthens kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.
Stimulates circulation, warms cold legs & feet, reduces spasms from damaged nerves.
Antispasmodic, Anti-Inflammatory, Antiphlogistic, Reduces Pain (Arthritis): Slows breathing, induces deep abdominal breathing, expanded awareness and enhanced creativity.
Stimulates Neurotransmitters: Helps regenerate nerve tissue, and may reduce hearing loss when a few drops are placed daily on the bone behind the ear (according to Gary Young).
Blends with: Angelica, Bergamot, Carrot Seed, Cypress, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemon Verbena, Neroli, Orange.
50% Ester neryl acetate;
20% Ketone italidione;
8% Alcohols nerol & linalool;
15% Sesquiterpene y-curcumene;
10% Monoterpene l-limonene;
2% Oxide 1.8 cineole;
1% Phenol eugenol.
Energetic Benefits: Helichrysum brings ethereal fluidium in through the hara (birth center), CNS up into the brain — very calming, has a powerful sedating and healing effect. Please click on the Energetic Effects tab for more information about the energy of this oil.
2 ml: $16.95; 1/8 oz (4 ml): $29.95; 1/6 oz (5 ml): $39.25; 1/4 oz: $52.50; 1/2 oz: $94.95; 1 oz: $168.95
Essential oils travel quickly through the body and work energetically in a beneficial manner for people and animals, when held or a few drops applied on the skin.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.
Energetic Actions: Conscious Empowerment & Initiation. Empowers the journey of self-discovery; awakens remembrance of the Soul's long journey, inspiring the personality to integrate with Spirit; promotes living life with greater conscious awareness. Promotes rapid progress in physical, etheric & spiritual healing & evolution. — Deborah Eidson, Vibrational Healing
Energetic Observations: This one pulls energy in through the hara, and moving it along the CNS, up into the brain. It brings life force into the nerves, pulling it in through the hara. This is very healing to the CNS, brings ethereal fluidium in through all the nerve channels, which is why it’s so calming. It infuses the whole body through the nerves, and has a powerful sedating effect. — Star Johnsen-Moser.
Energy Index: Aphrodisiac Spiritual Brain Balancing; Calming, Sedating Cellular High Vibration Opens Crown Chi: Hara, Navel Center; Increase Circulation Head, CNS, Hands & Feet Endocrine Strength: Warm Immune Building Etheric Core: Bones & Joints Etheric Heart Opening; Expands Consciousness Hara: Navel Center Nervine: Pituitary & Pineal Spine Deep in Core Spine Strengthen Immune
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.