NightTime Breathing PREMIUM Relaxing Stress Relief, Clear Breathing:
Relaxing Stress Relief , Clear Breathing
Gentle, calming essential oil diffuser blend assists clear breathing for children and adults. Contains
antispasmodic vasodilators Ravensara, Spruce, Euc radiata, Marjoram; with
soothing Geranium, & cleansing Lemon & Mandarin.
Energetic Benefits: The Nighttime Breathing blend relaxes and releases nervous stress in the neck and throat to allow expression.
Uses: Diffuse, spritz, or rub a few drops on the chest and pressure points. Dilute for massage.
1/8 oz: $11; 1/4 oz: $20; 1/2 oz: $33; 1 oz: $61
Energy Index: Aphrodisiac: 2nd Chakra Relaxes Throat, Neck (& Pituitary); Calming & Relaxing; Chakra 5: Chest, Lungs, Throat, Thyroid; Chakra 6: Nervine:Pituitary & Pineal.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.