Peppermint, Yakima, Natural Mentha piperita (USA):
Activates the Higher Mind. Arouses Conscious Mind; Halts Negative Thoughts
Stimulating, Cooling, Head-Clearing, Migraine Relief
One of the most frequently used essential oils needed to activate the vagus nerve and for blending into various formulas for the General Health & Vitality of the Whole Body, including Sinuses, Lungs, Drainage, Inflammation, Endocrine Support, Immune Support, Structural Alignment/Massage, Calming and Energizing- (Jodi Cohen 2023). Always dilute with carrier oil, gel or cream when applying to the skin.*
Cooling, refreshing — helps clarify the mind.
Broad-spectrum antibacterial, antiviral. Strengthens lungs. Kills tubercule bacillus and typhus, good respiratory relief with air diffuser or spritzer. Use with Eucalyptus and Thyme. Helps regulate temperature.
Antispasmodic. Assists digestion; heart tonic and nervous system regulator.Use small amounts when blending, as it can easily overpower the blend.
For Relief of Sore Throat, a small amount of Peppermint can be used, in combination with other soothing, cleansing and infection-fighting essential oils Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme serpolet, &/or Tea Tree.
40% Phenolic alcohol menthol;
20% Ketone menthone;
10% Monoterpenes;
10% Sesquiterpenes;
6% Esters;
6% Oxides;
6% Furanoids;
4% Alcohols, with
traces of sesquiterpenols, furanocoumarins & sulphides.
Energetic Benefits: Peppermint brings energy to the lungs, sinuses and nasal passages; then travels through the Central Nervous System, stimulating and rejuvenating all the cells of the body. Please click on the Energetic Effects tab for more information about the energy of this oil.
May Use During Pregnancy: Generally avoid during pregnancy, but if pregnancy is going well, may inhale for dizziness and nausea after first trimester.
Precautions: Can irritate mucous membranes. Do not use daily. Very cooling, and therefore not desirable for soaking bath.
15 ml (1/2 oz): $7.95; 30 ml (1 oz): $12.95; 50 ml: $24.95
Energetic Actions: Activates the Higher-Mind, accesses and grounds higher energy. Peppermint expands the Third Eye chakra and aligns its energy with the first chakra, grounding Spirituality into physical action — dissolves the mental body's fears, calms mind chatter and clears confusion. Helps digestion of new thoughts and beliefs; accesses universal consciousness which language is symbolic and geometric; helps create a new foundation of reality based on our inner light or Soul energy. — Deborah Eidson, Vibrational Healing
Energetic Observations: This one is very empowering and strengthening to the lungs, brings much energy to the lungs, sinuses and nasal passages. Then it travels along the Central Nervous System, and stimulates the whole body, tingling and buzzing through the meridians. It is stimulating and rejuvenating to all the cells of the body. — Star Johnsen-Moser.
Energy Index: Aphrodisiac Spiritual; Brain & Third Eye; Cellular High Vibration; Increase Circulation to Hands, Feet, Head & CNS; Lungs, Throat, Thyroid; Nerve Strengthening; Sinuses; Spine Balance Sun Moon.
*Cohen, J. Shifting the Nervous System Into the Parasympathetic Gear: Vagus Nerve Stimulation, pp. 45-48 & 60-81. Essential Oils to Boost the Brain & Heal the Body, 2023. Ten Speed Press, Calif/NY.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.