Sweet Sleep PREMIUM Relaxing Antispasmodic Diffuser & Massage Blend Assists Sleep:
Physically release the day's tensions with this comforting combination of Spearmint and deeply relaxing, pain-relieving Valerian. Its antispasmodic capabilities suggest that it may be beneficial for PANDAS relief.
Uses: Combine this powerful blend with Sweet Orange and/or Lavender in a diffuser. Dilute a few drops in carrier oil or cream, or apply undiluted for relaxing massage or neck, shoulder and arm friction. Put a few drops on a handkerchief under the pillow. May be combined with several drops of Wintergreen on neck, shoulder & upper back to relax at beginning of massage.
1/8 oz: $12.50; 1/4 oz: $22; 1/2 oz: $36; 1 oz: $59.50
Physical Index: Antispasmodic, Relaxing, Sleep, PANDAS Relief
Energetically, this blend brings in higher energies from the 8th chakra, bringing in the stillness of the spirit through our central core — a very good direct connection. -Star Johnsen-Moser, Intuitive Energetic Healer.
Energy Index: Calming, Sedating; Chakra 8+: Brings Spiritual Energy Into Body; Etheric Core.
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.