Earth Angel Oils
20146 Plantation Creek Drive
Porter, TX 77365
(281) 354-0418
(office hrs. 10-6 CST)
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Cellular Healing through Essential Oils (Diffuser & Skin Applications)
Physical Healing:
Based on the work of biomedical scientist Roger Williams at the University of Texas during the 1960s & '70s (Orthomolecular Psychology), optimal cellular health requires free-flowing transportation to and from each cell (blood & lymph supplies), and permeability through the cell wall so that nutrition can get in and toxins can be washed out. In situations of poor health, the cell wall becomes damaged, so that nutrition and cleansing cannot take place.
Essential oils help us at the cellular level. They have the remarkable capacity to heal the cell walls, and they are also very nourishing: they renew the permeability of the cells, cleanse toxins and provide needed nutrition.
The oils get to each cell through the skin, the blood flow, and through the air that we breathe (activates the endocrine system for improved focus and serotonin balance). The effects on the Central Nervous system are passed on to every tissue in the body that the nervous system affects, so essential oils have widespread benefits, no matter where they enter our bodies.
We have learned through the years that one of the primary functions of essential oils is to bring balance to the body: Endocrine, metabolic, hormonal, and emotional balance all appear to be the same. We have also learned that the oils work on all levels — physiological, emotional, spiritual. For example, the Bruises, Burns and Sensitive Skin Rash blend works for physical bruises and abrasions, and also comforts on the emotional level.
Energetic Healing:
Energy therapy activates cellular memory release, and essential oils are energetically active. Adding a few drops of essential oils during body and energy sessions amplifies and grounds the benefits of the therapeutic session. During the past fifteen years, we have had the honor of collaborating with energy healer Star Johnsen-Moser to create energetically active therapeutic blends; and she has also generously assisted us to document the energetic pathways of the Earth Angel Oils and blends. Each description of the functions of our oils and blends includes her energetic observations, which we hope adds to the mainstream knowledge regarding the energetic benefits of essential oils.
Essential oils can enhance brain function, reduce stress, nourish & assist regeneration, relieve pain, heighten spiritual consciousness, and encourage optimal functioning. We invite you to try these easy-to-use energetically active, physically and spiritually enriching oils, so that you can share their benefits in a wide range of applications, for yourselves and for those you touch!