Abundance PREMIUM Spiritual, Sensual Merchant's Daily Wear & Diffuser Blend:
A sensual merchant's blend that contains ancient healing Holy oils Frankincense and Myrrh. This spiritually opening blend stimulates inspiration, heightened sensory perception, creativity, abundance and increased productivity, assisting us to vibrationally draw that which we wish through the Law of Attraction! It also expands consciousness and nourishes our positive intentions and business productivity.
Even as the Three Wise Men brought the precious treasures Frankincense, Myrrh, and gold to the Christ child, we bring to you these ancient healing Holy oils of the Purple Ray for your abundance of inspiration, heightened sensory perception, envisioning and a fountain of productivity for the birthing of each new project.
Ingredients: Cinnamon, Clove, & Sweet Cassia stimulate brain integration, attention/concentration and spiritual sensuality. As well as being beyond compare for physical regeneration, brain oxygenation and wound-healing, Frankincense arouses spiritual bliss, and Myrrh slows time to bring expanded consciousness. These oils are very pleasurable to both giver and receiver when diluted for a foot massage. Patchouli is a calming and energizing nerve tonic that sharpens intelligence, concentration and insight, and is said to attract money. Spruce grounds the blend, and the precious oils flow in a river of Sweet Orange to bring joy and magical energy, peace, happiness and frivolity.
Uses: You may add a few drops of this rich blend to other diffuser blends. However, thick oils such as Myrrh may clog a diffuser. Most frequently, this blend is worn undiluted for personal daily wear. A few drops can be put around the entry door, on the palms of the hands, on money, & around the work area.
1/8 oz:; $11; 1/4 oz: $20; 1/2 oz: $33; 1 oz: $52
Physical Index: Ancient Holy Oils, Antibacterial, Energize, Focus, Inspirational, Intuition, Merchant, Reality (Grounding), Spiritual Sensuality (Endorphins), Strengthen, Uplift
Energetically, the blend releases blockages in the throat and supports the thyroid. - Star Johnsen-Moser, Intuitive Energetic Healer.
Energy Index: Lungs, Throat & Thyroid
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.