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Product ID: SavorySummer

Savory, Summer

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Summer Savory, Satureja hortensis (Hungary):

Recent research shows that a combination of Savory, Rosemary and Tea Tree is effective to kill resistant staph infections (MRSA). Summer Savory is the gentle variety of Savory, which can be used in more situations than the very strong Montana Savory, and we are using small amounts of this Summer Savory freely in our antimicrobial formulas.

Energetic Benefits: Savory brings spiritual energy down from the heart chakra into the genitals and root chakra, down through the legs, connecting with the earth — very grounding — then pulls the energy up through all the meridians into the heart, turquoise chakra and all the way up to the crown — very balancing. Please click on the Energetic Effects tab for more information about the energy of this oil.

Precautions: Avoid frequent use, and do not use undiluted -- may be a skin irritant due to the phenols in this oil. Avoid during pregnancy.

1/4 oz: $8.75; 1/2 oz: $14.95; 1 oz: $26.95; 50 ml: $49.50.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.

Energetic Actions: Overcomes Domination and Control. Savory works on the mental plane, energetically soothing feelings of emotional hurt. Emotional injury can be caused by other people's harmful thought projections; and when the ego feels wounded, it often directs detrimental energy inwards towards the self. Savory's energy releases frustrations and sustains a more loving state. Energetically, Savory accesses the root causes of sexual problems — shame or guilt, sometimes religious teachings that sex is bad — sometimes possibly previous lives of debauchery or abstinence. Savory assists in releasing such distortions. It aligns the energy of the root and sacral chakras, bonding with open-hearted love, to assist us to experience fulfilling ecstasy. — Deborah Eidson, Vibrational Healing

Energetic Observations: This goes to the genitals and root chakra, then into the heart chakra, & brings energy down from the heart chakra into the lower chakras. It could be helpful for overcoming sexual abuse issues: loving all parts of ourselves unconditionally – shining the light of the heart chakra into the lower chakras. It really brings the spiritual energy in, channeling it down to the sexual & root, & also the solar plexus. It’s going through the lower chakras, down through the legs & connecting with the earth — very grounding. Now the energy is coming in from the earth, pulling the energy up through all the meridians — pulling it up, 2nd & 3rd chakras, up into the heart. Now it involves the turquoise chakra as well & the earth energy is pulled up all the way through the body to the crown. This is very balancing. — Star Johnsen-Moser

Energy Index: Aphrodisiac/Spiritual, Aphrodisiac/Throat, Aphrodisiac/Tantric, Etheric Core, Spinal Balancing, Spine Ida Pingala

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.

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Price: $8.75
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