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Product ID: TeaTreeOrganic

Tea Tree, Organic

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  • Description
  • Energetic Effects
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Tea Tree, Organic, Melaleuca alternifolia (Australia):

Safe Bacteria-Buster; Antiviral, Antifungal, Antibacterial Terpene Alcohol
Detox, Toning, Hot & Moist. 

According to Shannon Becker, PhD RA "There is currently no known cure or vaccine for the current viral epidemic, which is caused by an enveloped virus, similar to the influenza A virus (IAV)....The essential oils and blends may, however be used in traditional ways for respiratory relief and psychological support." - Becker in Tisserand Institute Newsletter, March 2020. 

One of the most frequently used essential oils needed to activate the vagus nerve and for blending into various formulas for the General Health & Vitality of the Whole Body, including Sinuses, Lungs, Drainage, Inflammation, Endocrine Support, Immune Support, Structural Alignment/Massage, Calming and Energizing (Jodi Cohen 2023).*

Traditional Information:

For Relief of Sore Throat, Tea Tree can be used, in combination with other soothing, cleansing and infection-fighting essential oils Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, &/or Thyme serpolet.

"Tea tree oil, when actively diffused with a nebulizer for two seconds, cleared nearly all airborne Influenze A virus at 10 minutes, and showed zero virus at 15 minutes post nebulizer treatment (Usachev et al 2013).

  • Energizing, Vitalizing Diuretic: Helps chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Skin Healing: Abscesses, acne, stings, bites, blisters, burns, cold sores, mouth ulcers, periodontal disease, sore throat. Tea-Tree dissolves pus, cleans infected surfaces, without destroying tissue. Kills Staph, Candida, speeds healing of impetigo.
  • Antiseptic Formula: 10% Tea-Tree in Almond Oil or Salve. 5% Formula = 1 part Tea-Tree to 19 parts base salve.
  • Tea Tree helps kill resistant staph infections MRSA at 1 to 1000 dilution for air and water applications. Good for PANDAS treatment, 3 drops on feet.
  • Respiratory problems & Relief of Pain: Eases asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs, colds, sinus infections, neuralgia, headaches, earaches, fever.
  • Blends With: Esters (Lavandin, Lavender, Clary Sage) and Ketones (Rosemary, Oakmoss, Pine, Cananga, Geranium, Marjoram, and Spices, especially Clove and Nutmeg).

Energetic Benefits: Tea Tree brings vital forces in through the hara, heats up the Central Nervous System nerve channels and thymus, empowering the immune system — moves along the etheric core, right through the center of the whole being. -Star Johnsen-Moser, Intuitive Energetic Healer.

Pregnancy-safe after first trimester, if pregnancy is going well. May use diluted or undiluted. For Thrush, use 7 drops Tea Tree & 2 drops Lavender in 1 oz aloe vera.

7.5 ml (1/4 oz): $6.95; 15 ml (1/2 oz): $11.95; 30 ml (1 oz): $21.50; 50 ml: $36.95; 120 ml (4 oz): 62.95.

Energetic Actions: Reflects the Soul Energy. Helps transform shadow self into radiant body. Firmly anchors the light body into the physical body. — Deborah Eidson, Vibrational Healing

Energetic Observations: This one is going into the hara center, spiraling the energy in. This is drawing the energy in through the hara, bringing in vital forces for the whole body. I feel it moving the energy along the CNS from the hara. It’s really heating up there. Now I feel it spreading out through the nerve channels. It’s working on the CNS, big time – through the hara center. It’s also working on the thymus. It’s very empowering to the immune system. It’s drawing the energy in, now it’s connecting all the chakras in, and circulating the energy right along the CNS. This one is very balancing to the CNS. It’s moving right along the etheric core – right through the center of the whole being. — Star Johnsen-Moser, Intuitive Energetic Healer.

Energy Index: Chi Endocrine Strengthen Etheric Core Immune Thymus Support Lung Support Spine Strengthen: Immune Thymus


References provided below are a representative sampling of research over the past 15 years which documents the antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial & immune-building activity of essential oils in the Myrtaceae (tropical respiratory, nutritious & strengthening tree) family, but does not claim or imply the effectiveness of Tea Tree in the present viral pandemic - only that this may be an area of interest for future research.

Battaglia S. The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, Third Edition. Vol 1: Foundations & Materia Medica. Black Pepper Creative, Brisbane Australia 2018.

Becker, S. Essential oils and coronaviruses. Tisserand Institute Newsletter 2020 March.

*Cohen, J. Shifting the Nervous System Into the Parasympathetic Gear: Vagus Nerve Stimulation, pp. 45-48 & 60-81. Essential Oils to Boost the Brain & Heal the Body, 2023. Ten Speed Press, Calif/NY.

Eidson D. Vibrational Healing. 2000, Frog Ltd, Berkeley CA.

Johnson SA. Evidence-Based essential oil therapy: The ultimate guide to the therapeutic and clinical application of essential oils. 2015, Scott A Johnson Professional Writing Services.

Saika T, Saira W, Waseem R, Khushboo S et al. A comprehensive review of the antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral potential of essential oils and their chemical constituents against drug-resistant microbial pathogens. Dept of Chem, Islamic Univ of Science & Technology;  Instrumentation Division, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Canal Road, Jammu, India 2017.

Usachev, Evgeny V, et al. “Antiviral activity of tea tree and eucalyptus oil aerosol and vapor.” Journal of Aerosol Science, vol. 59, 2013, pp. 22-30. doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2013.01.004

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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