Spiked Ginger Lily, Hedychium spicatum (India):
A clear brown liquid with a warm, woody, spicy, light floral aroma. Anti-nausea agent, carminative, tonic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-asthmatic, stimulant.
Helpful in treating nausea, halitosis, vomiting, diminished appetite, hiccups and local inflammation. It is considered useful in dyspepsia and diarrhea, hair growth, liver complaints, urinary disorders, pains, inflammations, asthma and bronchitis. Antibacterial. Skin healing - often used in beauty products.
Mood uplifting, promotes a sense of wellbeing -- a sensual aphrodisiac.
This essential oil is very calming, spiritually uplifting, and assists with sleep.
It must be used in tiny amounts, because it is very tranquilizing, & promotes spiritual ecstacy.
Useful in building immunity -- an important ingredient in the Lyme Protocol blend.
Blends well with Cajeput, Cassia, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Geranium, and Lavender.
Energetic Benefits: Spiked Ginger Lily works all along the spine, each vertebrae, on the physical and etheric levels -- bringing little light rods into each vertebrae. It gives us backbone, and also activates the corresponding reflex points in the feet.
Precautions: Non-toxic, non-sensitizing.
4 ml (1/8 oz): $12.50; 5 ml (1/6 oz): $16.50; 7.5 ml (1/4 oz): $21.50.
Energy Index: Emotional Balance, Etheric Core, Spinal Balancing, Spine Ida Pingala
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The above information is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice.